

Monday, November 10, 2014

Green Lantern #36 Review

The Good

Writer Robert Venditti makes some huge changes and sets a few things straight dealing with the Green Lantern universe. It's nice to see not only a writer in the New 52 be so blunt about what's canon and not, but also decide to take some major chances with characters they've been building upon for months. Even in the midst of a giant cross-over event.

One of the biggest things to happen in the issue comes towards the end. As you can probably tell from the cover, Black Hand is a part of this issue and Venditti and crew take him in a bit of a weird direction. Johns' version of the character was darker and on the brink of madness, a character obsessed with death. Here, Black Hand still has that obsession with death, but he's full-blown on the side of madness. He's lost it all and the undead seem to be his only companions. My only concern is that the character is dangerously close to being a bit too silly and falling into Deadpool territory.

The Bad
The biggest problem with the book is that the issue comes off as a tad boring. The dialogue is fine, but it feels a bit overdone at times, especially in the Orion/Highfather scene and the Hal/Sinestro scene. This all makes the issue feel really dense. Bombshells of information are dropped on the readers and on Hal and company. It's almost too much for a single issue.

The Verdict
Godhead continues to be a very strong story. Sure, it's super-long and runs through way too many books, but overall, it's been a fantastic ride, so it's worth it. A lot is happening in this issue and there's a lot of revelations, almost too many, and the book is a bit slow and a tad dull at parts, but overall, it's a great read and a very essential moment in the overall Godhead story arc.

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