

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Axis Revolutions #2 Review

This was a pretty much one big fight scene, but despite that we get plenty of character stuff from the comments being made by both men and the actions they're willing to take. Creed is trying to be a better man, but still he was still willing to fight back. And Kurt is angry, bitter and in full revenge mode.

I loved seeing Kurt cut loose and we got some pretty impressive action from him in this story. (How the hell did Mystique survive an encounter with him during AXIS) Teleporting off limbs, sword play, acrobatics, rapid teleporting, dropping cars and even the tail came in to play.

Extremely enjoyable to see, especially when there's no consequences to worry about for Kurt's character because Creed will heal.

The art was great in this, both Creed and Kurt looked menacing. And the flow of the action and teleporting was captured very well.

The only flaws I really had with the story were Creed's explanation for predicting where Kurt would strike and the fact that Kurt didn't continue attacking after Creed walked away. other than that it was great - not that you could go that wrong with an extended fight scene, but you never know.

Get full review from Comic Book Resources here


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