

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Earth 2: World’s End #4 Review

“Gods & Monsters” consists of strange alliances, unexplained plot points, and a handful of moments that promise things to come next week.  One thing to note is the beyond misleading cover which, like last week, had pretty much nothing to do with this comic.  It’s bad when that’s a good thing, because the two pages involving Aquawoman felt tossed into this issue.  Then again, a lot of moments tend to come across as such in World’s End.  One wishes that Daniel H. Wilson would just grab a thread of this plot and stick to it in order to give us a deeper look into the machinations behind some of the book’s more interesting moments.

Barrows et al. do an above-average job on the artwork this week, which has a recognizable difference from the previous week’s work.  The amount of artists is still taking a toll on the book, with each section being drawn by separate designers.  Normally this does not cause too much of a disconnect from the reading experience, but some scenes, particularly the ones in Chicago, break the continuous creative flow.

Recommended If…

You’ve been reading Earth 2 and World’s End.
You still don’t mind little happening.


There has to be some way to get these weekly titles off the ground and have them be more accessible to readers who pick up each issue and do not want to wait for a trade book.  World’s End has not hit its stride yet after four issues, and the last two I’ve come away with a lot of sound and fury with little substance.

Get full review from Batman News here

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