

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Axis: Revolutions #1 Review

"AXIS: Revolutions" #1 takes a look at the "violent outbreaks of hate" resulting from Red Onslaught's attack in the main "AXIS" title. Writers Dennis Hopeless and Simon Spurrier take on the tasks of investigating the impact of Red Onslaught through the events surrounding Spider-Man and Doctor Strange respectively.

The biggest problem is that, right away, continuity and synergy are abandoned in the quest for meaningful stories that ultimately develop into clichés and flat-out boring tales. Spider-Man, as usual, addresses the problem as it hits the streets of Manhattan, but in a morally loaded attempt at transforming an after-school special into a comic book story, Hopeless browbeats readers with the same message again and again. Nothing in "With Great Hate," save for Spider-Man flippantly mentioning the Red Skull as the root cause, makes this tale a must-read for either Spider-fans or "Avengers & X-Men: AXIS" event evangelists. This could easily have been a story in the 1990s "Spider-Man Unlimited" series. Hopeless' Spider-Man is a verbose teacher, which isn't a bad choice, but it doesn't make for particularly invigorating adventures.

Marvel has been cranking out event stories and garnishing the presentation with additional tie-ins and crossovers, but in this case, the presentation suffers. Anyone buying this comic book for an appearance from their favorite character is certain to be disappointed, while any event completionists are set up for confusing continuity at best and frustrating dismissal of it at worst. "AXIS: Revolutions" #1 is a comic book with a pair of stories that are fine on their own, but really add nothing to the grander Marvel Universe in general.

Get the full review from Comic Book Resources here

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